Monday 12 March 2012

Web Banner Animation: Influences

For this assignment I decided to create a web banner to feature on my website. For this banner animation I have had some influences in terms of graphics, colours and theme. The theme I decided on was Fashion because it links in with the design of my website. Below I have summarised all of the elements of my web animation and have included influences from magazines, websites, adverts and objects.
Concept/ Advertising: For this web banner I have adapted the sophisticated black and white colour scheme incorporating a fashion model walking across the banner. As this appears the writing and information for the user will appear. The reason for this is because one of my interests is fashion, which links in with my website design. I also chose this because I am advertising etc Magazine, a local magazine in West Sussex. This is a magazine I have recently written for and fashion is a strong feature within the magazine. Therefore the catwalk model links in well and represents my personality and interest of mine.
Theme: I have decided to adapt and combine the themes of fashion and art deco. I chose these themes because I wanted to keep the web banner in a similar style to my website design. Therefore with the black and white theme, I think the banner looks in its place and links in well also reflecting my website itself. The fashion and art deco styles work well together and clearly advertise an interest of mine.
Graphics: The main graphics/ animation included in this banner is the fashion model walking across the banner. I originally wanted to draw the animation in Illustrator and create a fashion sketch inspired animation. I have had some influences for this graphic which I have discussed below under 'Influences'. The image below shows a similar style which I wanted to create for my animation.
Similar Style for Model Animation

Although, I decided to try and create the animation using stop motion photography. This allowed me to use my skills in Photoshop to edit them to create the intended effect. This has been featured on my current/ final web banner. This works really well within the banner and has created the effect.
Techniques: The main technique which I have used within the web banner is masking. Within Adobe Flash I wanted to use this technique to create a spotlight effect. Because of the fashion model concept, I believe the spotlight will look good and work well. This will be used as the model animation is seen walking across the banner to finally reveal the writing (information) including the company's logo.
Throughout creating my web banner I have had various influences for different elements. These include the theme and the use of graphics. Below I explain the influences I have had from different media texts.
Fashion Magazines: I have had influences from magazines for the graphics I intended on using in my web banner. This is related to the model animation which I wanted to create using original assets. I recently read Company Magazine and they have continuously used a fashion sketch to show the latest fashion trends. I liked the originality of this graphic and is the same style which I wanted to create for my animation. The image below shows this graphic from Company High Street Edit magazine.
Diet Coke Can: A recent Diet Coke can design by Benefit has influenced the design in terms of the colour scheme for my animation. This has also inspired and influenced the design of my website, therefore I wanted to link this design with my web banner. I liked the use of the black and white colour scheme and thought it reflected the black and white art deco/ retro theme which I wanted to portray in my banner. The image below shows the Diet Coke cans which have influenced the theme and design of my web banner.
Influence: Diet Coke Face Profile Graphics