Thursday 22 December 2011

Week 14: Production Documentation Started

Last week completed and submitted my investigation into TV idents. Through this investigation I gained a lot of new knowledge into the purpose and design of TV idents. The aim of the investigation was to research into the different elements surrounding TV idents and using examples discuss the purpose, design, creative communication and the opportunities of these TV idents. Through writing the investigation and analysing existing idents I have been able to gain knowledge and influences for my own TV ident. This investigation has therefore helped me with the planning of my initial and final idea for a TV ident.
Also this week I have been starting to complete my pre-production documents. The documents which I have currently completed are the initial ideas mind maps, developing ideas, proposal and initial aims. These are all documents which I need in order to present my initial ideas and the planning of my final idea. Within the proposal I have discussed and justified my final idea for my TV ident. I have also started completing some of the other production documents such as the filming documents. I have been keeping track on my production schedule and I am up to date with the tasks which should have been completed. This week I have completed the storyboards and a document showing influences from similar/ existing products. In terms of the storyboards I have created one main storyboard and I have also created storyboards for the animations which I will be including within my TV ident. These storyboards visually present what I intend my ident to look like with sound and camera shots information. I have created an influences document which shows various elements from existing idents and TV adverts which have influenced my final idea. The main element was the use of sparkles and glitter, this is an influence because I intend to use this within my ident to emphasise the theme of Christmas.

Responding to Peer Feedback: This week I also continued responding to feedback. I have been responding to the feedback from my peers from the pitch which I presented. I believe this went well and the improvements were positive and will make my idea even stronger. One of the main improvements was to experiment with different colours such as gold on the logo. I have done this, although I came across a problem when I knew the tree I was filming for the ident had a gold star at the top. Therefore the ident would blend in too much with the star and not be as visible as my red and green logo. Another improvement which I was given was the ability to film the footage. This could be an issue because I may not be able to film the tree in January because Christmas is over. Therefore I did decide that I could have a backup plan of filming the tree with my own camera over the Christmas holidays. By filming it at this time it ensures me that I will have some footage to work with to create my TV ident.
I will continue to complete my production documentations including the script, shooting script, risk assessment, shooting schedule and call sheet. These are the documents which I will need to plan and create my TV ident.

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