Thursday 8 December 2011

Week 12: Final Idea for TV Ident

From creating my 3 initial ideas I have chosen my final idea. I have chosen the ITV1 at Christmas theme to create my ident. This ident focuses on the theme of Christmas and this theme will be clearly highlighted with different elements included. This idea has the main focal point of a Christmas Tree. The ident sees the camera panning up to the top with the lights being lit on the way. Along the way to the top of the tree baubles are seen with footage of the ITV1 shows. This informs the audience of what shows are on this channel at Christmas time. Once the ident reaches the top of the tree my original ITV1 logo will be shown, this will have the effect of the lights being lit.

I have created a mood board to show the development of my idea. This moodboard represents the colours, font and images which I will be including within my ident. This moodboard has influenced my final idea and shows how I have linked this to other, existing products. The main element within this moodboard which I wanted to portray was the baubles with the images placed inside. This represents the baubles which I am including within my ident on the tree. These will include footage of existing shows on ITV1 instead of images. The other images within this moodboard such as the glitter and typography represent my final idea. This is because I will be using sparkles and glitter to emphasise the Christmas theme. In terms of the font I have created an original bold logo based on lights. The font below on this moodboard is similar as it uses the circle, light effect within the main text. This is an aspect which influenced my final logo. An image of this moodboard is shown below.

Moodboard Representing my Final Idea for my TV ident

I have researched and analysed some existing ITV1 Christmas idents and also other Christmas idents. This has allowed me to understand what elements are included within a Christmas TV ident. I have gained knowledge in what elements I need to include within my own ident for it to appeal to an audience at Christmas time. Two adverts which I have analysed is the Forrero Roche Christmas advert and an existing ITV1 Christmas ident. The main element within these idents which I believe will influence my ident was the use of 'sparkle and glitter'. This is an element which people associate with Christmas.

Initial Aims Document
I have completed the initial aims document as I have now decided on my final idea. This document highlights the reasons why I have chosen this idea and why I did not choose any of my other ideas. It also highlights how I plan to complete this production. This is in terms of the production documentation which I need to complete and how I will complete this. These are documents which I will be required to complete in the pre-production, production and post-production stage. In terms of the pre-production stage I have started to complete the investigation document, researching into TV idents such as the design and purposes. I have also completed my developing ideas document focusing on my 3 initial ideas with supporting mind maps. These documents show how I have developed my ideas and how I have developed my final idea. In terms of the production documentation I will start to create these documents. These are documents such as the proposal, storyboard, script and shooting schedule.

I have also started to write my proposal for my final idea. I have researched into the different elements which I need to discuss within this document. This document focuses on elements such as: finance, content, legal & ethical issues, similar/ existing products, client & audience needs, target audience and resources. Through the proposal I will be able to show the client how I have considered these elements for the production of my TV ident. I aim to complete this document by the end of this week so I can be sure I will start my production documents next week. I am currently on target with my production schedule and I will ensure to stick to my own deadlines for this production.

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