Thursday 29 December 2011

Week 15: Production Documentation Continued

Throughout this week I have been completing the outstanding production documents. The documents which I have been completing are the shooting schedule, script, shooting script, risk assessment and call sheet. I have completed the shooting schedule, script and shooting script this week. I believe I have planned my time well throughout this production so far, I am currently behind on my production schedule, although I have worked in self-study time to ensure I complete the documents required. I have completed three of the remaining documents this week. The shooting schedule relates to the order in which I will shoot the ident, although, within my ident there is not much footage but I have still created a shooting schedule to show the shot sizes. The script and shooting script combine the shooting schedule, within the script I have written the visuals and sound with the narrator at the end of the ident. The shooting script takes elements such as the shot type and EXT or INT element and these are placed down the side of the script. Next week I will continue to complete the call sheet and risk assessment when I know the date of filming footage for my ident.

Also this week I have started to experiment with different animations which I will be including within my ident. These animations include: sparkle trail, stars, snow and falling snowflakes. I have started to create these animations which can be placed over the footage of the Christmas tree. These animations will look realistic such as the snow as these all suggest the theme of Christmas strongly. I have used both Photoshop and Adobe Flash to create these animations and I have used tutorials from YouTube to help me create the animations. Within Photoshop I have created a snow effect on one of my original images, I learnt this effect from an online tutorial. Next week I will also continue to experiment and create the different animations to be included within my TV ident.

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