Thursday 12 January 2012

Week 17: Influences for Final TV Ident

For my final TV Ident idea I have been influenced by recent products such as existing idents and TV adverts. In a previous post I briefly discussed these influences, but within this post I am talking in detail about how they have each influenced my final idea. Below I have highlighted these influences and how they have influenced my final ident idea. Within most of these influences listed below one element which is included within all of them is the use of the 'sparkles'. This is a main element which I wanted to include within my ident. The reason for this is because this the main iconography which I associate with the theme of Christmas and is an element I am included strongly within my ident.

Existing ITV1 Christmas Ident: For my research into similar and existing products one of the main idents which influenced my own ident idea was ITV1 Christmas Ident 2010. The reason why this influenced my idea so much was the graphics which are used within it. They have created the logo with the effect of sparkles. This use of graphics has inspired and influence my final idea. This also influenced the fact that my ident idea is based outside at night. The reason for this is because The Christmas lights can be clearly seen within a dark background. Therefore this is an element which I will include within my ident idea. This ident is shown below and the main element which I want to include to portray the theme of Christmas within my own ident is the use of the sparkle to create the actual ITV1 logo. I will be including this within my ident, this will be seen at the top of the Christmas tree surrounding my re branded ITV1 logo. This whole ident revolves around the use of graphics and animations which is also an element I am included a lot within my ident. This is because I am creating the baubles on the tree by using Flash animations and also the stars, sparkles and snow which are also featured within my ident.

Forrero Rocher TV Advert: Another media form which has influenced my ident in terms of the graphics such as sparkles is the Forrero Rocher Christmas TV advert 2011. This advert caught my attention when I saw it on many different TV channels over the Christmas period. The main element which interested me was the use of the sparkle trail taking the viewer on a journey to reveal the product being promoted, the chocolate. I intend on creating a similar gold sparkle trail from this advert within my own ident. I want this to spiral around the tree and appear around the logo at the top of the logo. I will create this animation within Adobe Flash and it want it to be a similar trail to the one shown within this advert.

Coca Cola Christmas Advert: The Coca Cola advert is also an iconic Christmas advert which has different elements which have influenced my ident idea. This ident focuses on the impact Coca Cola has and includes various elements such as lights, snow, stars and sparkle which reflect the theme of Christmas very well. One main influence which I have gained from this advert is the use of the lights lighting up as the Coca Cola truck travels along. This shows the impact the Coca Cola product has and how it has the 'power' to light up the Christmas lights has it travels. This is similar to an element which I want to include within my ident with the lights lighting up as the ident develops and the camera moves up the tree to reveal the ITV1 logo.

BBC1 Christmas Ident: Another existing ident which caught my attention over the Christmas period was the BBC1 ident. This again included various elements which showed strongly the theme of Christmas. All of the BBC1 idents include the signature 'O' within them, this ident included this in the form of a choir and the stars of the various shows on BBC1. The BBC1 logo then appeared over top of the blurred footage shape of the 'O'. Within this ident they have used different iconography for Christmas, similar to elements I plan to include within my ident. These are the snow, snowflakes and sparkle effects. The snowflakes are the main element which caught my attention, as these look very realistic and are similar to what I want to create for my ident. I will have the snowflakes falling from the top of the screen over the footage of the Christmas tree. I will also be able to create this animation within Flash and make the snowflakes as realistic as possible, like the snowflakes graphics within the BBC1 ident.

Moodboard Images- Another influence for my idea was in the creation of my moodboard. This presented my final idea in terms of the colour scheme, content and theme iconography. The main influence shown within this moodboard is the baubles with images inside them. This influenced part of my TV ident idea, as I decided to include animated baubles on the tree with footage of an ITV1 show from Christmas included within it. I believe this is a creative way of representing the shows on ITV1 at Christmas as people are always interested in the shows which are on TV at this time of year. Therefore by presenting it this way the viewer will pay attention to what is on TV through this ident. Also, when I create my suite of idents I can vary the archive footage which I include within the baubles to appeal to different audiences.
My Moodboard Representing my Ident Idea
and also showing my Influences

Typography Influences: I have also created a new logo for ITV1 based on the theme of Christmas. I have had influences for this logo via different fonts and existing Christmas TV logos. The images below show some of these influences. I have created my own ITV1 logo with the use of the Christmas lights effect. I simply created the ITV1 text from two different layers of coloured Christmas tree lights. A similar effect can be seen within one of the images below. On a black background a green text has been created within the use of dots, which has the effects of sparkles which is similar to the effect my logo will have. I will animate my logo in Adobe Flash for my final ident as it will appear to light up letter by letter. The influences include the colours of red and green which are used within one of the images shown below. These two colours clearly represent and show a clear link to Christmas and people can therefore recognise this colour scheme.
Typography Styles which have Influence my Logo
I have shown clearly some of the influences from various media sources which have influence my final idea. By analysing these I have gained knowledge into what elements interest the audience and how I can ensure my ident will portray the theme of Christmas well.

In terms of my production, this week I have been completing my paperwork for filming. I have completed this and aim to film tomorrow (13th January) ready for the footage to be edited in Premiere Pro next week. Throughout this blog I am now reflecting on the different influences which have influenced my TV ident idea in terms of the different elements included.

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